How does an integrated carpet weave and what fibers use in this carpet?
As Toos Mashhad integrated carpets are custom-made in terms of design, color and dimensions and are designed and woven according to customer's taste are more special than standard carpets available in the market, but they have not any difference in terms of material, reeds, density and the material of yarn.
700, 1000 and 1200 reeds large size carpets are woven according to customer's order. The material of thread used in the carpet is acrylic or polyester according to customer's order.
Dimensions are very accurately measured and calculated according to the area by the skilled designer at the place. Then, according to the information collected, he designs the carpet.
After finishing the design, each piece of carpet is woven and after completing weaving, the puzzle is transferred to the place.
It is installed in the place very carefully by skillful darner.
with what devices and technology are woven the integrated carpet?
The type of thread used in the carpet is acrylic, polyester and poly propylene.
The quality of texture depends on reeds, density, and the height of carpet's pile.
In the Integrated carpets, lightweight is an important element in the technology of texture and its production. Due to the importance of architecture, the type of application and dimensions, the calculation of plan assesses by engineers and experts and according to the customer's order, a contract is signed between the parties.
The large size carpets never move on the surface after installation, because before the installation, a foam is used under the carpet.
The choice material of carpet includes: wool, acrylic, polypropylene and ... On the other hand, the quality of the texture and its production includes: row per inch, reeds, density, and height of pile. The style and technology of texture and its production, depending on the importance of the construction in terms of architecture, application type and other, is an issue that is evaluated by consultants and engineers of Slimi carpet group and will be reflected in the contracts with purchasers. Meanwhile, the products of company do not move on the surfaces at all, and there is no need to use rug pad, because the latex behind the products prevents them from moving on to the surfaces.
The terms of integrated machine made carpet
More information about Toos Mashhad integrated machine made carpet
For getting more information about different aspects of machine made carpet and more knowledge about carpet, you can refer to articles and news and achieves useful information. Also for more information about the integrated carpet, you can refer to paper about integrated and large size carpet.
How to order Toos Mashhad integrated carpets
As the integrated carpets are custom-made in terms of dimension, color, design and … you can simply register your orders by following email: