1200reeds carpet, "Ailar" pattern

Carpet has been a major house furniture since the bygone era. In fact this history dates back to cyrus the great epoch in 529 before Jesus birth. In other words, this ancient history of the carpet...

Our special 1,2,3 method to increase your sales and ours too:
1 – Please share with us the favorite items that you prefer for your markets.
2 - We will research about material, thickness, quality and size …
3 - Then the ideal carpets can be produced for your market.
“Certainly the best results will be obtained with this method of consultation.”
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Carpet has been a major house furniture since the bygone era. In fact this history dates back to cyrus the great epoch in 529 before Jesus birth. In other words, this ancient history of the carpet usage implies its value and importance among the Iranians. In 40 decade, 50 years ago, handmade carpet commerce was so prevalent until the weaving machines gradually started to appear in Iran. Since machine-made carpets were cheaper and bore a striking resemblance to handwoven ones in terms of quality and appearance and due to their high productivity level, they could finally overtake handmade carpets and find their way in Iranian houses. Therefore, industrial complexes were built, and nowadays there are hundreds or thousands of machine-made carpet manufacturing companies. As a matter of fact, no one can cast a shadow of doubt on the fact that Toos Mashhad company is one of the best manufacturers with a long history.     


Toos Mashhad 1200 reeds carpet, "Ailar" pattern, with heat-set 100% acrylic yarns

The above carpet has top quality and is one of the 1200 reeds machine-made carpets. The reeds is the lateral density of the carpet and it means that there are 1200 knots in one meter of the carpet`s width. One way to recognize the carpet`s reeds from the salesman`s talk or the carpet`s ID, is to count the number of knots in one centimeter of the carpet`s width (considering the fact that there are 1200 knots in 100 centimeter of the carpet`s width, so each centimeter should consist of 12 knots). The material of the pile yarn of the 1200 reeds Ailar carpet is 100% acrylic which is the best type of fiber. This kind of yarn is resistant to light, heat, and footsteps and doesn’t crush down underfoot, and It also attracts little humidity (almost 1%).     


1200 reeds Ailar carpet purchase

One of the essential factors that should be taken into account at the time of carpet purchase is "quality". Considering the fact that nowadays the carpets` price is on the rise, a kind of carpet should be bought which has premium quality and is still durable after being washed or walked on. Our slogan is "the symbol of quality", and we assure our customers about the carpets` quality even after being washed on a daily bases because it wouldn’t change in color or texture. Our company has made the online purchase of 1200 reeds Ailar carpet possible for its dear buyers to do their shopping easily by just a click.


  • Reeds:1200
  • Density:3600
  • The number of color: 8
  • The type of thread: 100% heat setting Acrylic from Bayer of Germany
  • The type of warp yarn: polyester and cotton
  • The type of weft yarn: quality cotton ring
  • Quality: first-class
  • The height of pile yarn: 6±1
  • Washable: yes
  • Lint-free
  • Anti-allergy